
The Cézanne show at Ambroise Vollard’s Paris gallery in November-December 1895 was a watershed moment for both artist and dealer. Both the artist and the dealer’s commercial successes date from this moment. The composition of Cézanne’s collectors was also largely divided by this exhibition. Who they were and what particular paintings they bought are listed below. The relative uniqueness of this solo exhibition is highlighted. The paper also addresses the still open questions as to how the paintings for the show were selected, by whom, and which pictures were included. In doing so it adds to the list of paintings that have already been attributed to the show. Finally, the essay revisits what impact recognition from the Vollard show may have had on Cézanne’s artistic behavior, both in regard to the sizes of his paintings and his willingness to leave so many late paintings incomplete in appearance.

Publication Date

Spring 2022

Notes/Citation Information

The 1895 Cézanne Show at Vollard’s Revisited © 2022 by Robert Jensen is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0

The copyright holder has granted the permission for posting the article here.
