
In this chapter we try to determine if a link exists between firesetting offenders and a past history of maltreatment. A literature review was performed using research from various studies and populations. Firesetting is a significant problem that affects the world's youth today. Even though there is substantial loss of property and life from juvenile firesetters, there is not a great deal of research to provide insight into early identification of those at risk. In the literature review performed, 6 of 7 studies found a link with maltreatment and firesetting behaviors. There does seem to be a correlation between the two, but there is still a need for much more research in this area to establish a definitive connection. By exploring this, and other behaviors, more in depth, risk factors can be identified that will alert care providers to those individuals that could benefit from early intervention. Exploring history of abuse can help both prevent and treat juveniles who have the potential of engaging in firesetting behavior.

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


Notes/Citation Information

Published in Playing with Fire: Children, Adolescents and Firesetting. Hatim A. Omar, Carrie Howell Bowling, & Joav Merrick, (Eds.). p. 63-67.

©2014 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

The copyright holder has granted permission for posting the chapter here.
