Start Date

2-25-1999 9:45 AM


Getting a good stand of alfalfa quickly is very important to Kentucky because it is the highest yielding, highest quality forage crop. In addition, it can be used in many different ways. Cool wet springs and hot dry falls have caused alfalfa seedings to fail in recent years. It would be easy to begin to believe that there was some 'magic' step or ingredient that has been missing. There are no magic steps to getting a good stand. Attention to a few major details can help maximize your chances of success.


Feb 25th, 9:45 AM

Secrets to Getting a Good Stand of Alfalfa

Getting a good stand of alfalfa quickly is very important to Kentucky because it is the highest yielding, highest quality forage crop. In addition, it can be used in many different ways. Cool wet springs and hot dry falls have caused alfalfa seedings to fail in recent years. It would be easy to begin to believe that there was some 'magic' step or ingredient that has been missing. There are no magic steps to getting a good stand. Attention to a few major details can help maximize your chances of success.