
The purpose of this report was to analyze two urban intersections using conflict data, erratic maneuver data, and near-miss accident data and to recommend site improvements, if necessary. The two intersections selected were Euclid Avenue at Woodland Avenue and New Circle Road at Woodhill Drive in Lexington. Data were taken using 11-hour observation periods.

Proposed improvements for the site on Euclid Avenue included adding dual left-tum lanes and three-phase signals or an extended multi-turn lane. At the New Circle site, a longer, more gradual right-turn lane and repositioning some of the signing are recommended. The conflict data recorded were found to be very useful in identifying the specific causes of the problems.

Report Date


Report Number

No. 476

Digital Object Identifier



The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the Bureau of Highways. This report does not constitue a standard, specification, or regulation.
