Theme 23: Biodiversity


The effects of management practices on plant species diversity and productivity within a naturalised grassland was studied as part of a large-scale experiment designed to investigate issues of sustainability in temperate Australia. Fertiliser increased the production but reduced the diversity of the sward. The main decline was in exotic weed species. Strategic grazing resulted in a small increase in pasture diversity but a reduction in productivity. There was a consistent decline in diversity as productivity increased, across all treatments.



The Effects of Grazing Management and Fertilization on Grassland Diversity and Productivity

The effects of management practices on plant species diversity and productivity within a naturalised grassland was studied as part of a large-scale experiment designed to investigate issues of sustainability in temperate Australia. Fertiliser increased the production but reduced the diversity of the sward. The main decline was in exotic weed species. Strategic grazing resulted in a small increase in pasture diversity but a reduction in productivity. There was a consistent decline in diversity as productivity increased, across all treatments.