
The use of herbicides suggested in this publication is based on research at the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and elsewhere. We have given what we believe to be the most effective herbicides, with the most suitable rates and times of application. Use of trade or brand names in this publication does not imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others which may be of similar or suitable composition.

Herbicide registrations and labels are constantly being revised and changed; therefore, herbicides recommended in this publication were registered for the prescribed uses when the publication was printed. If the registration of a herbicide product listed has been canceled, it would no longer be recommended by the University of Kentucky.

Read and follow label directions carefully before you buy, store, mix, apply, or dispose of a pesticide. Follow carefully the precautions stated on the label of the bag or container. It is hazardous to use herbicides for purposes other than those specified on the approved label. Use herbicides only on crops for which they are approved and recommended. Use only recommended amounts. Besides wasting money, using too much material may damage the crop and make it unsafe for food or feed. The seizure of any raw agricultural commodity, moving in interstate commerce, which carries a pesticide residue in excess of the established tolerance, is authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Apply herbicides only at time specified on the label, and observe the recommended intervals between the time of treatment and time of planting, pasturing or harvesting the crop. Guard against possible injury to nearby susceptible crops or plants.

In general, the use of herbicides should supplement good agricultural practices which include:

  1. the use of high quality crop seed free of weed seed;
  2. proper planting methods with good seed to soil contact;
  3. high soil fertility and good crop rotation; and
  4. practices that prevent weeds from producing mature seeds.

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Click here for the updated version of this publication, titled 2016 Weed Control Recommendations for Kentucky Grain Crops (AGR-6).

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